Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Potato Soup

What's a Sunday afternoon without some comfort food in the Crockpot?? A week or so ago my sister-in-law made potato soup and it got me thinkin'...As I was getting ready for Disney on Ice with Megan I figured I better get something going for dinner so it's ready when we get home. I decided to go with a potato soup recipe from one of my trusty soup cook books! (Thanks Brandi...)
Here's how it went:
Cook 6 potatoes, 2 carrots, and 6 celery stalks until they are soft. Drain and reserve the water.

My touch...throw in some celery leaves and a branch of rosemary from the garden!

Sautee one onion in 6 tablespoons of butter until soft. Stir in 6 tablespoons of flour, some salt and pepper. Gradually add 1 1/2 cups milk, stirring constantly until thickened. Throw it all together with enough reserved water to get the consistency you like!
Now it's crocked and ready to go...
Serve it with cheddar, green onions, and some turkey bacon on top!
It's as easy as that! YUM!

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